Wikipedia Random Article & Article Search

The Random Article Tool will take you to a random article.

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What is a Wikipedia Random Article Generator

A Wikipedia random article generator is a tool that generates random articles from the online encyclopedia, Wikipedia. It can be used to generate articles about topics that you are interested in or to simply explore new topics.

How to use this tool?

There are several different ways to use a Wikipedia random article generator. One way is to enter a topic into the search box and click on the 'Generate' button. This will generate a list of articles related to that topic. Another way is to click on the 'Random Article' link at the bottom of any Wikipedia page. This will take you to a random article on any topic.

What is the benefit of using this tool?

You can also use a Wikipedia random article generator to find articles about specific topics. For example, if you want to find articles about the history of the United States, you can enter United States into the search box and click on the Generate button. This will generate a list of articles about the history of the United States.

If you are looking for a specific article, you can also use the Search function on the Wikipedia random article generator. This will allow you to search for a specific article by title or by keyword.

The Wikipedia random article generator is a great way to explore new topics or to find information about topics that you are interested in. You can use it to generate articles about any topic that you can think of. Try it out today!


The Wikipedia Random Article Generator works by selecting a random article from the English Wikipedia. It then displays the first paragraph of that article, along with a link to the full article.

This tool was created as a way to help people quickly find interesting articles on Wikipedia. It can be used for research or simply for fun.

No, at this time the Wikipedia Random Article Generator only works with articles in the English language. However, we may add support for other languages in the future.

No, this tool is not affiliated with Wikipedia. It is a third-party tool that was created to help people find interesting articles on the site.