Add Text To Each Line

It is a simple tool that lets you append text to the end or beginning of each line. You can append constant text, the number of line more.

Source Text
Enter your text here
  • Enter %N% at start or end for line number and enter %S% for duplicate the line.
  • Line number style

New text
Added Text

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What is Add Text To Each Line?

If you've ever needed to add text to the beginning and end of every line in a text document, then you'll love this online tool. It's incredibly easy to use - simply enter the text you want to appear at the beginning and end of each line, and hit 'apply'. This is a great tool for creating invitations, flyers, or any other type of document where you need to add special formatting to every line.

How to work with this tool?

Suppose you have some text. You want to add extra text before or after each line of text. Then you can do it very easily through this tool.

  1. First enter your text in the source text box.
  2. Click the two check boxes if you want to add text to both front and back.
  3. You can add line numbers using %N% if you want. If you want to copy the same line again, use %S%.
  4. Then click on 'Execute' button


The Add Text To Each Line tool is a web app that allows you to add text to each line of your document.

The advantage of this tool is what used to take you 10 minutes to do, you can do in a few seconds.

Yes, this tool is totally free.

Keywords: add each line some text at the beginning, add empty line after each line of text, add space to each line of text