Do you want to make your code more readable and avoid those annoying spaces in your files? Use this tool to remove redundant white spaces or tabs from any text.
Whitespace considered as -
If you're like most web designers, you have a few go-to tools for fixing common web design problems. But what if you don't have the time or resources to fix a problem? What if you just want to remove extra white space from your text? There's a simple tool for that! The Remove Extra White Space tool lets you remove all of the extra white space found in your text. This is helpful if you want to make sure your text is formatted correctly and looks professional.
You often have some text that contains duplicate spaces or unwanted spaces and you want to remove them. Then follow the steps given below.
The tool removes extra white space from a document, it may be TAB or Spaces or Both
After enter your source text, select both from 'Whitespace considered as' option.
Yes, this tool is totally free.
Keywords: how to remove extra white spaces from string